Frequently Asked

Ready, Sweat, Go!

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your session to sign our waiver.  It is wise to start with shorter sessions and gauge how you feel. You may leave the cabin at any time: listen to your body! For all future appointments please arrive 5 minutes early so you can change and begin your session on time.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Pre & Post any infrared sauna or body wrap sweat sessions be sure to get your water in!

For infrared sauna sessions, wear something you don’t mind sweating in like loose cotton clothing, a bathing suit or simply your birthday suit. We provide towels and a space to change and securely hang and store your items. All of our saunas are private so get comfortable. We suggest loose clothing for after your sweat.

For infrared body wrap sessions, we will provide you with a loose and comfortable long sleeve shirt and pants, as well as socks to sweat in. You will most likely be drenched after your session. We suggest breathable and loose clothing following your wrap session as well.

We do not have showers at Salt + Sweat. For maximum benefit, we suggest waiting 1-2 hours post-sauna to shower. Allow your core to continue pushing toxins out as your body cools itself naturally. Don’t worry, we will provide some items for you to freshen up.

Please be mindful to exit the cabin when your session has ended, as we book our sauna appointments back to back.

We do not allow shoes, outside beverages, or food items of any kind in the sauna.

Please close sauna doors gently.

As a courtesy to all of our clients, please be mindful of canceling at least 2 hrs prior to any sauna or sweat sessions. A late cancellation with be charged 50% of your booked service, a no show will be charged 100% of your booked service. We appreciate your understanding.


A session consists of massage, time for you to dress and undress and time to communicate with the therapist to make your massage truly customized.
New Clients – MUST arrive 15 min early to sign our waiver

As a courtesy to other guests scheduled and following your appointments, late arrivals may only receive the remaining available appointment time. You are responsible for and will be charged the full-service fee.

A credit card is required to book your massage appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule, we require 24 hours’ notice. Appointments canceled, changed or rescheduled in less than 24 hours will be billed 100% of each service.
Gratuities are accepted in cash only. If you were happy with your service, it is customary to give 15-20% of the full menu price in gratuity to your therapist.